What a glorious success!
They said I couldn’t pull it off in only 5 weeks. They were right. But we could and we did!
Team work and dedication is a powerful pairing. Apparently, so is Tango and Tibet. Our auctioneer, Adam Neville, was extraordinarly entertaining – spending money was never more fun. Little Henry and Jeremy, both 6 years old and dressed to the 9’s, assisted Adam and were generally charming and delightful!
Gustavo and Jesica, our star performers, inspired about 50 people to take their first tango lesson. Because they are so deeply connected and loving themselves, it is easy to feel the depth of spiritual connection and emotion that lives in this beautiful dance. Bravo to everyone who got up to try something new! Be careful though – it’s addicting!
It was an evening of both great joy and deep meaning. Many people met the Nangchen Nuns for the first time and felt deeply moved by their dedication and deep commitment to their practice. So many people very generously opened their hearts and their wallets – we made close to $10,000.00 total!
June 30th, Jeffrey, our wonderful videographer, and I leave for Xining, China. Although there are still some pieces left to finalize, we are taking our prayers and trust with us, along with an entire suitcase filled with dehydrated vegetables, energy bars, herbs, pills and oatmeal.
Sometimes, its hard to believe that it was just 4 months ago that I met the Nangchen Nuns. And I certainly had no intention, or desire, to go to Tibet at that point. Their force is powerful. Will I wake up on the airplane to find this has all been a dream?
But then, it is, isn’t it!
To view photos of the evening go to:
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